The Genius Wave Dr James Rivers: Unlocking Your Hidden Potential RSYA$39

The Genius Wave Dr James Rivers is making waves, quite literally, in the world of neuroscience. The Genius Wave is Dr. James River's primary discovery in his lifetime research. It's a concept he's refined after a long, 34-year career studying the brain. Dr. James Rivers, a distinguished neuroscientist, found it from decades of experience. This came after years spent delving into how young minds develop. Ever wonder why kids seem to be full of ideas and creativity? That is all a part of Dr. James Rivers' genius wave.

What led Dr. James Rivers to research "the genius wave"?.

Well, his work unveiled a fascinating trend. Young children often showed a creative mind. A whopping 98% of young kids test off the charts in this way. They demonstrate high genius potential.


However, this brilliance tends to fade as they get older. By the teenage years, only 12% keep that "genius" level of thinking and acting.

This started as a NASA-backed project with Stanford University. Dr. Rivers was shocked by what he found in the project. Only 2% of adults are "geniuses," by their original study, when reaching adult stages. Adults, then, were losing that "spark.". Why is this so? It’s really got scientists interested.

The Loss of Genius
Why do we seem to lose our "genius" on the way to adulthood? Remember those NASA experiments? Researchers found some interesting trends. They wired children to EEG machines.

Children's EEG were monitored. They found active "Theta" brainwaves in children. When you think creatively or dream, those are your Theta waves in action. Adults, however, showed a less-active Theta state. So, as we grow, our ability to access Theta may decrease.
This could hold some key answers. So what was found about that state?

Theta Brainwaves and Human Potential
Those who can readily use their Theta brainwaves are sharper thinkers. Studies confirm that.
Scientists suggest these people solve problems better. They are better decision-makers, too. Why is it easy for some, and tough for others? Research has linked the elusive "flow state".
Many are very intrigued by the findings. Flow, also called "being in the zone", was found very linked to Theta states. Artists, for instance, easily use flow to enhance creativity. Geniuses and athletes know this flow. It helps their skills. Why can they all do it? Maybe tapping this part of their brains are easier for them.
Japanese scientist researched the flow state. You're completely immersed in the task. It feels amazing, as you may have heard.

Further, you can use the Theta wave state. Shape your goals and manifest your own life outcome. Flow and Theta may also influence life results, it seems. Those in Theta waves mold reality toward their goals. That may be how people like Steve Jobs became successful. Ever think, how do they reach success? Some think there's a "cheat" to be like those successful guys.

The Decline of Theta Activity
Why does Theta activity decrease as we get older? This remains a core question for neuroscientists. Life's stresses likely play a big role, too. Dr. James River mentions a potential role with modern life. It has to do with our environments as a factor. Our lifestyles seem very key. Could there be any good ways to do so?
How can one even change this? Education could even have influence. One should keep that in mind. Some systems are very different. Is education the same all around? Of course, we also have cultural factors to look into.


Are people able to enhance and get the state? They also may influence and improve it.

Accessing Theta for Personal Growth
So, can we adults reclaim our lost Theta brainwave activity? Is this "genius" possible to recapture, somehow? How can this "genius" help you, too? This may require many small tweaks. What does that even entail? Meditation is used by people. Mindfulness methods are widely used, also.
Yoga, however, has shown to be helpful. Yoga is one to take a shot at. The use of these are well known. Music could, for many, have its influence. Music is very tied to relaxation for many. Using brain training may be great for most, too. Also, brain training programs are all around now.

There are various paths, it seems. Everyone should check with their own methods. What is the best path for you? No "one size fits all" here. If one thinks about this, each person should try to be experimental. Be creative and open minded, most importantly.

It’s a fact, life does offer many surprises. Being open and active in the brain seems essential, no matter the way. For each one of us, a better path exists. Everyone will just require an effort on their own path. Are there any "secrets" out there, too?

Could "brain training" possibly hold answers?. "Brain training" certainly exists to enhance cognition, like puzzles. However, the exact methods or tools are debated. But all the top achievers agree on one core practice.

How often you challenge your brain may just matter, though. The very act is shown to possibly influence and promote better neuroplasticity. Our mental flexibility relies on our usage of the mind. Our life, from birth, needs us to develop our own skills. Also, there is the act of forming habits. You may be doing actions and tasks daily. One can have the wrong and bad habits. All your life's experience influence your neural development. You should all learn to seek new experiences to challenge your mind. That way, your neural development gets used daily.

The way that you perceive life also changes, too. Do you always perceive situations in only one single way? There's an obvious problem there. Are there times, when all situations are "all or nothing"?
All of this requires constant self analysis and awareness, but with no self judgement. All the little things you may or may not have had any idea about matter here, no matter the scope.


The Significance of The Genius Wave

Dr. James Rivers' work is not about "fixing" the brain.
This research is all on expanding its innate power. You want to expand the mind to make use of life. Many know this power lies there. It isn't all "hokey," by the way. How often are there chances missed? How often do you get stuck on an obstacle, failing to progress?

This could lead you to achieve great insights and even get more skills and growth. There will still be effort. Everyone will still work, but all paths differ. Also, we're aiming to help with better skills, more than likely. There’s an old saying - ”work smarter, not harder”. We’re getting into the part now. We need to put that wisdom into place. How does "the genius wave" by Dr. James Rivers' come into play? That very method may aid many, or most, it seems. "The genius wave" can make most feel as if there’s more time, also. Most can feel more immersed, after tapping the genius wave. Dr. James Rivers suggests all can achieve this very flow. Flow, you should learn to use this.

Harnessing that Potential

By recognizing the importance of Theta, you can take a new approach. The Theta brainwave isn’t "magical." This wave isn't about magical or weird powers, just like most scientists state. Most have that wave dormant inside us, however. It's there waiting for your potential, inside everyone. It's on all to see how they can use it, also. How we grow all influence us. Each will react in unique and interesting ways, even with similar, common methods used.


We often wonder, why do some make it? Why do we only see that success among so many, we always wonder? Does their brain use differ from ours? Can there even be some "hack"? Is there something missing, to finally break through for many of us? Some even try those self help or self development methods to aid and boost this part of their life.

Those could hold an answer.
Could you think, as a young person, without limitations? Did your mind wander in such vast and new areas and spaces? This very well may point to why adults show a big difference in comparison to those young creative thinkers. You may also see this if one considers their very habits, both old and young.
There’s a famous case, showing a vast use.

Have you heard of, maybe, the top and big geniuses like Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla? Their use was very shown. All have that creativity, it seems.

Final Thoughts on The Genius Wave

The Genius Wave Dr James Rivers introduces is a very interesting idea.
The way it delves deep into our minds has us really fascinated. All of the implications it shows may intrigue you. It sparks many of our thoughts and even, possibly, curiosity. Is the answer a change, in accessing more of that special "Theta wave"?. Perhaps there could be new tools used to increase activity. The methods may just be more aligned and similar to what you see. Everyone's results vary. Many would like a change in our cognition and in life, all as part of that "dream," also. A fulfilling and creative way. How about more insights? Most, also, desire wisdom. The genius wave may help, however, at the start. Each should put that time. Dr. James Rivers, I believe, knows this fact well. Dr James Rivers Genius Wave methods may give all of us this edge we always desired.





The Genius Wave Reviews was first published on WEALTH CODE (DNA CODE) Channel



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